Saturday, May 23, 2009

Difference between QTP and Winrunner

Object Identification

1) Mandatory properties
2) Assistive (optional) properties


It is a verification point that compares a current value for a specified property with the expected value for that property. This enables you to identify whether your website or application is functioning correctly.


The time taken by a section of the test to run can be measured by defining transaction. You define transaction within your test by enclosing the appropriate section of the test with START and END transaction statements.


Problem or errors can occur due to timing issues eg:
- progress bar to reach 100%
- button to become enabled
- For window to open or
- pop-up message to open etc.
Ways to solve synchronization problem :
1) Add Synchronization
2) Insert Wait statement
3) Set Global Synchronization Timeouts
       -> change the object synchronization timeout ( File -> Settings -> Run Tab)
       -> change the Browser Navigation timeout ( File -> Settings -> web Tab)

Object Spy

It is a tool used to view properties of any object in an open application.

Object Repository

QTP stores the recorded object properties in object repository. It displays a test tree of all objects in the current action or the entire test. It is used to 
-  View or modify the properties of any test object in the repository 
-  Add new objects to your repository. 

File extensions used in QTP

1) Per-Action Object Repository          :            .mtr     (Mercury Test Script)
2) Shared Action Object Repository    :            .tsr       (Test Repository)
3) Library Files                                       :            .vbs or .txt     (Visual basic script)

Different Levels of Recording in QTP

There are 3 types of recording modes in QTP :
1) Standard Recording : It records in terms of GUI objects
2) Analog Recording : It records exact mouse and keyboard operations performed in relation to      screen or application window.
3) Low Level Recording : This mode records at the object level and records all run-time objects as  Window or WinObject test objects. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Benefits of QTP

1. Key word driven testing
2. Suitable for both client server and web based application
3. VB script as the script language
4. Better error handling mechanism
5. Excellent data driven testing features
6. Operates stand-alone, or integrated into Mercury Business Process Testing and Mercury
Quality Center.